Professor Abdulkadir Cüneyt AYDIN (Editor BEN)
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Brilliant Engineering (BEN)
A. International Journal Papers :
Aydın, A.C., Bayrak B., The torsional behavior of reinforced self-compacting concrete beams, Advances in Concrete Construction, November, 2019, Vol.2 in press.
Korucuk, F.M.A., Maali, M., Kılıc, M., Aydın, A.C., Experimental Analysis Of The Effect Of Dent Variation On The Buckling Capacity Of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol:143, Iss. SI, October 2019, 106259.
Kılıç M, Maali M, Aydın A.C, The Preliminary Uniaxial Compression Behavior Of Corrugated Cold Formed Steel Members, Architecture Civil Engineering Environment, 2019, Vol.12, Is.2, pp.63-79.
Maali M, Kılıç M, Aydın A.C, Experimental behaviour of bolted connections with stiffeners, Steel Construction Design and Research, 2019, Vol.12, No.2, pp. 105-113.
Maali M, Kılıç M, Yaman Z, Ağcakoca E, Aydın A.C, “Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Various Dented Cylindrical Shells Using CFRP Strips Subjected to Uniform External Pressure: Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Data”, Thin Walled Structures, 137, 29-39, 2019.
Maali M., Aydin A.C., Showkati H. , Sağıroğlu M., Kiliç M., "The effect of longitudinal imperfections on thin-walled conical shells", Journal of Building Engineering, vol.20, pp.424-441, 2018.
Aydin A.C., Nasl V.J. , Kotan T., "The synergic influence of nano-silica and carbon nano tube on self-compacting concrete", Journal of Building Engineering, vol.20, pp.467-475, 2018.
Maali, M, Kılıç, M., Sagiroglu, M., Aydın, A.C., Experimental Behavior of Bolted T-Stub Connections with IPE Standard Profile, , J Civil Environ Eng 2018, 8: 2, DOI: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000312.
Maali, M, Aydın, A.C., Showkati, H., Fatemi, S.M., Sağıroğlu, M., Longitudinal Imperfections on Thin Walled Cylindrical Shells, J Civil Environ Eng 2018, 8: 309, DOI: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000309.
Sagiroglu, M., Maali, M., Aydın, A.C., Installation and Maintenance Principles of Seismic Isolators: Erzurum Health Campus, The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2018, 12, pp.83-95.
Sagiroglu, M., Maali, M., Kılıç, M., Aydın, A.C., A Novel Approach for Bolted T-Stub Connections, International Journal of Steel Structures, Accepted, 2018,, pp.1-19.
Aydin A.C., Gül M.S., Öz A., Polat R., Kotan T., Kurt M., "The Effect of Cement Type and the Atmospheric Steam Curing Cycles on the Properties of Variable Types of Self-Compacting Lightweight Concrete", Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, vol.3, pp.39-46, 2018.
Aydin A.C., Haşiloğlu Aras Ü.G., Kotan T., Öz A., "Effect of Boron Active Belite Cement on the Compressive Strength of Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures", Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, vol.3, pp.47-52, 2018.
Aydin, A.C., Özkaya, S.G, The finite element analysis of collapse loads of single-spanned historic masonry arch bridges (Ordu, Sarpdere Bridge), Engineering Failure Analysis, February 2018, Doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2017.11.002, Vol 84, pp. 131-138.
Maali, M., Kılıç, M., Sagiroglu, M., Aydın, A.C., Experimental model for predicting the Semi-rigid Connections’ Behaviour with Angles and Stiffeners, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2017, Vol 20, Issue 6, pp. 884 – 895.
Maali, M., Kılıç, M., Aydın, A.C., Experimental model of the behaviour of bolted Angles connections with stiffeners, International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 2016, pp.719-733.
Kurt M, Kotan, T., Gül, M.S., Gül, R., Aydin, A.C., The Effect of Blast Furnace Slag to Self-Compactability of Pumice Aggregate Lightweight Concrete, SADHANA Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 41(2), February 2016, pp.253-264.
Kurt M, Gül, M.S., Gül, R., Aydin, A.C., Kotan, T., The effect of pumice powder on the self-compactability of pumice aggregate lightweight concrete, , Construction and Building Materials, Vol.103, 30 January 2016, pp. 36–46.
Aydın, A.C., Maali, M. , Kılıç, M., and Sagiroglu, M., Experimental Investigation Of Sinus Beams With End-Plate Connections, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol:97, December 2015, pp.35-43.
Aydın, A.C., Kılıç, M., Maali, M. and Sagiroglu, M., "Experimental Assessment of the Semi-rigid Connections Behavior with Angles and Stiffeners",Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 114, 2015, pp.338-348.
Sagiroglu, M., Aydin, A.C., Design and analysis of non-linear space frames with semi-rigid connections, Steel and Composite Structures, Int. J., Vol. 18, No. 6, June 2015, pp.1405-1421.
Maali, M, Aydin, A.C. Sagiroglu, M., Investigation of innovative steel runway beam in industrial building, SADHANA Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, October 2015, pp. 2239-2251.
Aydin, A.C., Oz, A., Polat, R., Mindivan, H., Effects of the Different Atmospheric Steam Curing Processes on the Properties of Self-Compacting-Concrete Containing Microsilica SADHANA Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Vol. 40, Part 4, June 2015, pp. 1361–1371.
Kurt M, Aydin, A.C., Gül, M.S., Gül, R., Kotan, T., The Effect Of Fly Ash To Self-Compactibility Of Pumice Aggregate Lightweight Concrete, SADHANA Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Vol. 40, Part 4, June 2015, pp. 1343–1359.
Türkmen İ., Öz A., and Aydın, A.C., Characteristics Of Workability, Strength, And Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Of SCC Containing Zeolite And Slag, Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5(15), pp. 2055-2064, 4 August, 2010.
Gül R., Yavuz M., and Aydın, A.C., Predicting The Chloride Content From The Color Analysis For Various Cement-Based Materials, Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5(15), pp. 2004-2015, 4 August, 2010.
Aydın, A.C., Karakoç, M.B., Düzgün, O.A., and Bayraktutan, M.S., Effect of low quality aggregates on the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete, Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5 (10), pp. 1133-1140, 18 May, 2010.
Hasar, U.C., Simsek, O., Aydın, A.C., Application Of Varying-Frequency Amplitude-Only Technique For Electrical Characterization Of Hardened Cement-Based Materials, Microwave And Optical Technology Letters / Vol. 52, No. 4, April 2010, pp.801-805.
Hasar, U.C., Akkaya, G., Aktan, M., Gozu, C., Aydın, A.C., Water-To-Cement Ratio Prediction Using ANNs From Non-Destructive And Contactless Microwave Measurements, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 94,2009, pp. 311-325.
Aydın, A.C., Tortum, A., Yavuz, M., Prediction of concrete elastic modulus using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system - Rejoinder, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems,6, 157-158 (2009)
Aydın A.C., Düzgün, O.A., Tortum, A., Determination of the Optimum Conditions for Steel Fibers on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, Pollack Perodika, 2008, Vol.3, No.1, pp.101-112. (SCI değil)
Aydın, A.C., Prediction of concrete elastic modulus using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system - Rejoinder, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems,24, 301-302 (2007)
Gül, R., Okuyucu E., Türkmen İ., and Aydın, A.C., Thermo-mechanıcal propertıes of fiber reinforced raw perlıte concrete, Materials Letters, 61/29, 5145-5149 (2007)
Aydın, A.C., Arslan, A., and Gül, R., Mesoscale Simulation of Cement Based Materials’ Time Dependent Behavior , Computational Materials Science, 41/1, 20-26 (2007).
Aydın, A.C., Self Compactability of High Volume Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 21, 1146-1151, (2007).
Aydın, A.C., and Gül, R., Influence of Volcanic Originated Natural Materials as Additives on the Setting Time and Some Mechanical Properties of Concrete, Construction and Building Materials,21, 1274-1278, (2007).
Aydın A.C., Tortum, A., Yavuz, M., Prediction of concrete elastic modulus using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 23, 295-309, (2006).
Düzgün, OA, Gül, R., Aydın AC, Effect of steel fibers on the mechanical properties of natural lightweight aggregate concrete,Materials Letters, 59, 3357-3363, (2005).
Tortum,A., Celik, C., Aydın A.C., Determination of the Optimum Conditions for Tire Rubber In Asphalt Concrete, Building and Environment, 40, 1492-1504, (2005).
Oğuz, E., Aydın, A.C., Prediction Of Adsorption Velocity Of Phosphate Removal From Wastewater With Gas Concrete, Including Ph, Temperature, And Agitation Speed, Int. Journal of Environment and Pollution, 19, 603-614, (2003).
B. International Congress :
Öz, A., Aydın, A.C., Polat, R., The Effect Of Elevated Temperature On Self-Compacting HybridFiber Concretes Containing Mineral Admixture3. ICOCEE –CESME, April 24-27, 2018, Çeşme, İzmir, TURKEY.
Öz, A., Aydın, A.C., The effect of freezing and thawing on self compacting hybrid fiber concretes containing mineral admixtures, 3rd ınternational conference on computational mathematics and engineering sciences CMES 2018, 4-6 May 2018, Girne Kıbrıs.
Maalı Mahyar,Sagıroglu Merve,Kılıç Mahmut,Aydın Abdulkadır Cüneyt (2018). Experimental Study On Post-Fire Mechanical Properties Of S235 Steel. Iccce 2018 : 20th International Conference On Civil And Construction Engineering, (Özet Bildiri)
Sagıroglu Merve,Kılıç Mahmut,Maalı Mahyar,Aydın Abdulkadır Cüneyt (2017). Behavior of Bolted Connections with T-shaped Element and Seat Angle. GCEC2017 Global Civil Engineering Conference, 221-221., (Özet bildiri).
Maali, M., Sagiroglu, M., Kılıç, M., and Aydın, A.C., An experimental study of the capacity of top and seat T connections with stiffeners, "3rd World Congress and Exhibition on Construction and Steel Structure (Steel Structure 2017), October 16-18, 2017, Atlanta, USA ".
Sagiroglu, M., Kılıç, M., Maali, M., and Aydın, A.C., Behavior of Bolted Connections with T-shaped Element and Seat Angle, "GCEC2017 Global Civil Engineering Conference, 25-28 June 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia".
Aydın, A.C., Maali, M., Kılıç, M. and Sagiroglu, M. Experimental Model of the Behavior of the Bolted Angles Connections with Stiffeners, "ICCCE 2016: 18th International Conference on Construction and Civil Engineering, 29-30 September 2016,London, United Kingdom". pp.2071-2075
Maali, M., Kılıç, M., Sagiroglu, M. and Aydın, A.C., Behavior of the Moment-Rotation Curves of Bolted T-Stub Connections, "41st IAHS World Congress-Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, 13-16 September 2016, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal".
Aydın AC., Bayrak B., Theoretıcal And Experımental Behavıor Of Reınforced Concrete Beams Under Torsıon, Fourth International Conference On Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering - ACSM 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, 7-8 May 2016.
Aydin, A.C., Sagiroglu, M., Maali, M. and Kilic, M., Experimental Investigation of Moment-Rotation Curve of End-Plate Connection with Sinus Beam, "Steel Structure-2015 Conference, 16-18 November 2015, Dubai".
Aydın, A.C., Kılıç, M., Maali, M. and Sagiroglu, M., An Experimental Study on the Moment-Rotation of Bolted Beam-Column Connection, "Third International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering - ACSEE 2015, 10-11 October 2015, Zurich, Switzerland".
M. Sagiroglu, A.C. Aydın. Design and Analysis of Steel Space Frame with Semi-Rigid Beam-to-Column Connections Using Stiffness Method, 10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference (PSSC 2013), 8-11 Ekim 2013, Singapore.
Aydın, A.C., Restoration of Historical Structures: Material and Structural Point of View, The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment Infrastructures in Developing Countries, 12-14 Oct. 2009, Oran, Algeria, Vol.2, pp.325-336.
Gül, R., Yavuz, M., Aydın, A.C., Predicting the Chloride Content from the Color Analysis for Various Cement-Based Materials,The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment Infrastructures in Developing Countries, 12-14 Oct. 2009, Oran, Algeria, Vol.3, pp.149-156.
Sağsöz, A.E, Gül R., Aydın AC, The Effect of Curing Conditions on Some Mechanical PRoperties of Perlite Concrete, 4th Concrete Future-Recent Advances in Concrete Technology & Concrete in Structures, Proc. Of The Twin Coimbra Int. Conf. On Civil Eng.-Towards a Better Environment and The Concrete Future, 17-19 June 2009 Coimbra, Portugal, pp.263-268.
Aydın AC, Arslan A., Gül R., Numerical Simulation of Cement Based Materials’ Time Dependent Behavior, 6th Int. Congress on Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities, 303-312, Dundee, England, July 2005.
Arslan, A., Aydın, A.C., Betonda Rötre ve Sünme Modellerinin Gelişimi, 4. GAP Mühendislik Kongresi (Uluslar arası Katılımlı), Harran Üniversitesi, Şanlı Urfa, Cilt.2, s. 858-864, 06-08 Haziran 2002.
Aydın, A.C., Gül, R., “Diyatomitin Beton Priz Süresine Etkisi”, Uluslar Arası İnşaat Mühendisliğinde Gelişmeler Sempozyumu, Gazimağusa, KKTC, Cilt.2, pp.543-556, 1-3 Kasım 2000.
Demirboğa, Kurt, M., R., Gül, R., Aydın, A.C., "Freeze-Thaw Resistance Of Light Weight Aggregate Concrete”, Second Int. Symposium On Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, Norway, pp.492-501, June 2000.
Ramazan Demirboğa, Murat Yavuz, Rüstem Gül, A. Cüneyt Aydın, “Effects Of Admixtures On Compressive Strength Of Lightweight Concrete”, Cement and Concrete Technology in 2000s, Second International Symposium, İstanbul, Turkey, s.144-153, 6-10 September, 2000.
Arslan, A.; ve Aydın, A.C., Improvements in Lattice Modelling of Concrete Behaviour, Lefke European University, 10th Year Symposiyum of Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, KKTC, 155-164, 15-17 November 2000.
D. National Journal Papers (in Turkish) :
Uzbaş B., Aydin A.C., Uçucu Kül ve Silis Duman Katkılı Betonların Mekanik Özelliklerinin XRD İle İncelenmesi, Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.3, ss.1-22, 2018.
Aydin A.C., Kan A., Öz A., Fayetorbay İ., "Hydration properties of boron modified active belitecement concrete", Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, pp.1-11, 2018.
Aydın AC, Bayrak, B., Kendiliğinden Yerleşen ve Normal Betonlu Betonarme Kirişlerin Burulma Davranışının Deneysel ve Teorik Olarak İncelenmesi, Sinop Uni J Nat Sci 1(1): 23- 32 (2016)
Aydın AC, Kılıç M, Maali M, Sağıroğlu M, Alt ve Üst Korniyerli Yarı Rijit Birleşimlerde Kaynak Boyu Etkisi, Iğdır Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(4), 2015, s.41-55.
Okuyucu, D., Aydın, A.C., An Evalution on Erzurum Double Minaret Madrasah by Structural Engineering Perspective, KSÜ Müh. Bil. Dergisi, 13(1), 2010, s. 28-44.
Amil, A.P., Aydın, A.C., Prefabrike Yapıların Tasarım İlkeleri, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 35, 235-240, (2004).
Amil, A.P., Aydın, A.C., Yüksek Yapılar, Trabzon İnşaat Müh. Odası Dergisi, 18, 12-15 , (2004).
Budak, A., Uysal, H., Aydın, A.C., Kırsal Yapıların Deprem Davranışı, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 35, 209-219, 2004.
Arslan, A., Aydın, A.C., "Çelik Lifli Betonların Genel Özellikleri”, Hazır Beton Dergisi, 6, 36, 67 -75, (1999).
Gül, R., Aydın, A.C., "Akışkanlaştırıcı (Normal Veya Süper) Katkı Maddelerinin Kullanılmasında Göz Önünde Bulundurulması Gereken Hususlar", Çimento Ve Beton Dünyası, 2, 14, 17-20, (1998).
Gül, R., Aydın, A.C., "Hızlandırıcı Katkı Maddelerinin Betona Uygulanmasında Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Hususlar", Dsi Teknik Bülteni, 89, 15-22, (1997).
E. National Congress Papers (in Turkish) :
Aydın AC, Fayetorbay İ, Borlu Aktif Belit Çimentolu Isıl İşlem Görmüş ve Görmemiş Betonların Hidratasyon Özellikleri, 7. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi -UKAY’2015- 14-16 Ekim 2015, Gaziantep, s.425-433.
M. Sagiroglu, A.C. Aydın, 2013. Uzay Çelik Çerçevelerin Analiz ve Dizaynında Birleşim Elemanlarının Boyutlarının Birleşim Davranışına Etkisi, 5. Ulusal Çelik Yapılar Sempozyumu, 13-15 Kasım 2013, İstanbul.223-230
Sağıroğlu, M., Aydın,A.C., Yarı-Rijit Bağlantılı Üç Boyutlu Çelik Çerçevelerin Rijitlik Matrisi Metoduyla Çözümü, 4.Ulusal Çelik Yapılar Sempozyumu, 24-26 Ekim 2011, İstanbul, s.223-230.
Aydın, A.C., Sağsöz, A.E., Öz, A.,Güvenç, H, Ceyhun,N., Erdoğdu, Ş.,Akışkanlaştırıcı Katkıların Değişik Çimentolarla Uyumu, Uluslar arası Katılımlı Yapılarda Kimyasal Katkılar 3. Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, 2-3 Nisan 2009, s.201-214.
Aydın, A.C., Uzbaş, B., Çimento Esaslı Malzemelerin Tek Eksenli Yük Altındaki Davranışının Mezo Düzey Modellenmesi, Beton 2008, 19-21 Haziran 2008, İstanbul, s.581-590.
Aydın, A.C., Tortum,A., Yavuz, M., Betondaki Klorür Miktarının Yapay Sinir Ağları Kullanılarak Modellenmesi, Bilimde Modern Yöntemler Sempozyumu, 15-17 Ekim 2008,Eskişehir, s. 875-883.
Aydın AC, Arslan A., Gül R., Çimento esaslı malzemelerin zamana bağlı davranışının simülasyonu, Antalya Yöresinin İnş. Müh. Sorunları Kongresi, Antalya, 2, 298-311, 22-24 Eylül 2005.
Gül, R., Aydın, A.C., Depreme Dayanıklı Yapıların Projelendirilmesi, I Doğu Anadolu ve Kafkasya Depremleri Jeofizik Toplantısı Bildiriler Kitabı, Erzurum, 71-85, 26 Ekim 2001.
Arslan, A., Aydın, A.C., "Çelik Lifli Betonların Darbe Etkisi Altında Genel Özellikleri”, Çelik Tel Donatılı Betonlar Sempozyumu, 1-30, Eylül 1999.
Gül, R., Aydın, A.C., "Geciktirici Katkı Maddelerinin Beton İmalinde Kullanılması Durumunda Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Hususlar", III. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 866-872, 1998.
Gül, R., Alp, B., Aydın, A.C., Şahin, R., "Kocapınar Pomzasından Üretilen Betonların Basınç Dayanımı", Prof. Dr. A. Rifat Yarar Sempozyumu, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 1, 487-503, 10 Aralık 1997.