Honorary Editor-in Chief of Journal of Nature, Science & Technology (JANSET) Academic journal


Honorary Editor-in Chief, Journal of Nature, Science & Technology (JANSET)

Curriculum Vitae of Professor Ismail Hakki Aydin

Date Of Birth 1954
Place Of Birth Macka,Trabzon-TURKEY
Primary School, Macka 1965
High School, Trabzon 1971
Medical School, Ataturk University 1978
Internship, University Hospital,Erzurum 1978

Post-Doctoral Training
University of Zurich
Neurosurgical Department

Research Fellowships
University Hospital of Istanbul University, Turkey
Research Fellow in Neurosurgery

Licensure and Board Certification
M.D. 1978
Four Foreing Languages 1978,1979,1980,1981
Neurosurgical Board 1984
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery 1985
Foreing Language (English) 1986
Assoc.Professor of Neurosurgery 1989
Professor of Neurosurgery 1994

Academic & Administrative Appointments
University Medical Centre:
Lecturer in Medicine (Neurosurgery) 1984
Consultant Neurosurgeon 1985
Ass.Professor of Neurosurgery 1985
Director and Chairman of Neurosurgical Department 1985-
Director of Microsurgical Research Centre 1985-
Assoc. Professor of Neurosurgery 1989
Professor of Neurosurgery 1994

Hospital Appointments
Moderator of Medical Meetings 1985-86
Director of Clinicopathological Conferances 1985-87
Academic Board, Neurosurgery 1985-
Academic Board, Medical School 1985-
Director of Neuroscience Research Committee 1986-
Medical Academy Committe 1986-
Member, Executive Committee, Surgery 1985-
Director of Medical School Research Committee 1990-1994
Vice Chairman of the
Medical School Ethic Committee 1996-1998

Memberships, Offices and Committee Appointments
Turkish Neurosurgical Society
Association of Turkish Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychyatry
European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
European Community Society
Turkish Inventors and Researchers Association
Science and Literature Society
Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), USA
International College of Angiology (F.I.C.A., USA)
European Stroke Science Councile
American Brain Tumour Council (AANS and CNS)
Serebrovascular Surgery Section (AANS and CNS)
American Heart Association Stroke Council (International Fellow)
International Councile of CNS
The New York Academy of Sciences
American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
Scientific Committee of Mediterranean Neuroscience Conference (FRANCE)
Black See Authors Association
Asian Conferance of Neurological Surgeons
European Brain Injury Consortium
International Board of Skull Base Congress
The Society of Neurvous System Surgery

Other Professional Positions & Major Appointments
President of the Society of Nervous System Surgery 2007-

Awards & Honors
Turkish Science Scholarship 1972
Ataturk University Scholarship for I.U. 1981
Postgraduate Research Scholarship 1984
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research
Authority (TUBITAK) Award 1990
University Science Prize 1991
Medical School Science Prize 1991
Medical Chamber Award 1991
F.I.C.A. (USA) 1990
Turkish Neurosurgery Publication Prize 1992
Maderland Party Award 1993
Deanery Award of Medical School 1994
The Artist Card of Turkish Culture Ministery 1994
Deanery Award of Medical School 1995
Continuing Education Award in Neurosurgery (CNS and AANS), USA,1996
Cover Article (Cover Scientist) in MIN (Germany) 1997
Turkish Neurosurgical Society Award,1999
International Ambassador of CNS (USA), 1999
Outstanding People of the 20th Century, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 2000
International Lecturer of CNS (USA), 2000
ABMYO, Plaquet, Istanbul 2001
Crystal Sphere, India, 2001
Annual Award 2004, Karachi, 2004
Harvey Cushing Lecturer, Karachi, 2004
ABMYO, Plaquet, Istanbul, 2005
The Society of Nervous System Surgery, Plaquet, Istanbul, 2006

Editorial Boards
Medical Journal of Ataturk University
Turk Norosirurji Dergisi
Turkish Neurosurgery
Pak. Journal of Neurological Surgery
S.D.U. Tip Fakultesi Dergisi
Medical Journal of Van
Journal of Clinical Series (KS)
Bulettin of Surgery
Genel Tip Dergisi
Journal of Turkish Neuroscience

Research Interests
Aneurysms Surgery
AVM Surgery
Stroke Surgery
Skull Base Surgery

  1. Tumer B, Aydin IH, Caglar C: Pineal region tumours. Med. Bul. Ata. University (Turkey) 12:251-259,1980.
  2. Tumer B, Aydin IH, Onder A: Dermoid cysts of anterior fontanella. Med. Bul. Ata. University 12:359-364,1980.
  3. Aydin IH, Tumer B: The angiographic localization of the cerebral venous angle. Med. Bul. Ata. University (Special Issue) 13:(1-4),63-70,1981.
  4. Tumer B, Yolas C, Alemdag S, Aydin IH: The treatment of patients with cervical trauma, hospitalised within one year period, and results. Med. Bul. Ata. University 14:15-23,1982.
  5. Tumer B, Yolas C, Aydin IH, Aladag A: Intraspinal arachnoidal cycts. Med. Bul. Ata. University 14:123-130,1982.
  6. Aydin IH, Tumer B, Yolas C, Palanci A: Alveolar hydatid cysts in the cerebral localisation. Med. Bul. Ata. University 14:167-174,1982.
  7. Tumer B, Yolas C, Calmasur E, Aydin IH, Aydin Y: Intraspinal meningocell. Med. Bul. Ata. Univ ersity 14:281-287,1982.
  8. Tumer B, Yolas C, Ak HE, Aydin IH, Aydin Y: Acut subdural haematoma and prognosis. Med. Bul. Ata. University 14:343-350, 1982.
  9. Aydin IH, Tumer B, Yolas C, Ceviz A, Aydin Y: Decerebration rigidity. Med. Bul. Ata. University 14:405-412,1982.
  10. Tumer B, Aydin IH, Konte H, Caglar C, Yolas C: Intradural lumbar disc hernia. Med. Bul. Ata. University 14:112-115,1982.
  11. Yolas C, Tumer B, Aydin IH, Aydin Y: Neurogenic Pulmonary Aedema. Med. Bul. Ata. University 14:459-465,1982.
  12. Tumer B, Aydin IH, Yolas C, Aydin Y: Galen vein aneurysm. Med. Bul. Ata. University 15:37-45,1983.
  13. Tumer B, Yolas C, Konte H, Aydin IH, Aydin Y: Intracranial hydatid cysts. Med. Bul. Ata. University 15:73-83,1983.
  14. Aydin Y, Yolas C, Aydin IH, Ceviz A, Konte H, Tumer B: Cauda equina syndrome as a result of achondroplasia. Med. Bul. Ata. University 16:191-197,1984.
  15. Ceviz A, Aydin Y, Aydin IH, Ak HE, Yolas C, Aladag A: Clinical analysis of 216 intervertebral disc herniation. Med. Bul. Ata. University 16:255-262, 1984.
  16. Konte H, Aydin Y, Aydin IH, Yolas C, Aladag A: Primary repaire of cranial deffects with otogenous cranial fragments. Med. Bul. Ata. University 16:263-272,1984.
  17. Yolas C, Aydin IH, Ceviz A, Aydin Y, Tumer B, Eyiceoglu K: Infertility as a result of hypophyseal dysfunction. Med. Bul. Ata. University 16:109-116, 1984.
  18. Aydin Y, Aydin IH, Ceviz A, Yolas C, Konte H: Moya-Moya disease. Case Report. Med. Bul. Ata. University 17:57-61,1985.
  19. Aydin IH, Tumer B, Aydin Y, Kesim M, Altindirek G: A rare complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunts. Med. Bul. Ata. University 17:289-293,1985.
  20. Aydin IH, Onder A, Tumer B, Aydin Y, Aladag A, Guney S: Lumbar epidural venography in the diagnosis of lumbar disc hernia. Med. Bul. Ata. University 17:381-392,1985.
  21. Aydin IH, Alemdag S, Tumer B, Aydin Y, Akin V, Ak HE: Prognostic value of lactic ascite in head injuries. Med. Bul. Ata. University 17:443-453,1985.
  22. Aydin IH, Tumer B, Aydin Y, Ak HE, Yilikoglu Y, Aladag A: Supratentorial cortical astrocytoma.(Clinical Analysis). Med. Bul. Ata. University 17:523-532, 1985.
  23. Aydin Y, Yolas C, Konte H, Aydin IH: Cystic menengiomas: Report of two cases. Neurosurgery 16:87-89,1985.
  24. Aydin Y, Barlas O, Yolas C, Aydin IH, Ceviz A, Oren D, Akdemir D: Alveolar hydatid disease of the brain. Repot of four cases. J Neurosurg 65:115-119, 1986.
  25. Guney S, Bakir Z, Temel E, Aydin IH:The measurement of interorbitar distance in 0-12 age group children. Med. Bul. Ata. University 18:173-181,1986.
  26. Aydin IH, Ak HE, Aydin Y, Tumer B, Aladag A, Takci E: Cervical traumas (Clinical Analysis). Med. Bul. Ata. University 18:355-362,1986.
  27. Aydin IH, Yilikoglu Y, Varol Y, Parlak O, Kocaman I,yigun I: Lactic dehydrogenase value of plasma and CSF in acute cerebral thrombo-embolic infarcts. Med Bul Ata University 18:407-413,1986.
  28. Aydin IH, Ak HE, Aydin Y, Aladag A: The antibiotic prophylaxis in our neurosurgical operatios. XXIst National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress Book. Mimeray Ofset, Istanbul, 1986 pp.288-290.
  29.  Iyigun I, Albayrak A,Yilikoglu Y, Parlak O, Aydin IH: The effect
    of smoking on plasma lipoproteins in patients with cerebral thrombosis. Med Bul Ata University 18:505-508,1986.
  30. Aydin IH, Imhoff HG: Thrombogenesis and localisation in experimental transcarotid microvenous anastomoses. XXIst National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress Book. Mimeray Ofset Istanbul. 1986, pp 295-300.
  31. Iyigun I, Albayrak A, Yilikoglu Y, Parlak O, Deger O, Aydin IH: The electrophoresis value of plasma lipoprotein in normal and in patients with cerebral thrombosis. Med Bul Ata University 18:449-454,1986.
  32. Aydin IH, Aydin Y, Ak HE, Tumer B: Hypophyseal apoplexia in bromocriptine therapy (Case Report) Med Bul Ata University 18:509-514,1986.
  33. Iyigun I, Albayrak A, Yilikoglu Y, Parlak O, Deger O, Aydin IH: The effect of smoking on serum lipids and lipoproteins. Med Bul Ata University 18:551-554, 1986.
  34. Aydin IH, Aydin Y, Ak HE, Aladag A: Traumatic thrombosis of internal carotid artery. Med Bul Ata University 18:575-580, 1986.
  35. Aydin IH, Ak HE, Aydin Y, Aladag A, Kadioglu HH: The comparision of Iohexol with the Meglumine in carotid angiography.Med Bul Mil Med Academy 31:503-507, 1989.
  36. Aydin IH, Aladag A, Aydin Y, Ak HE, Kadioglu HH, Yilikoglu Y, Parlak O: Intracranial supratentorial abscesses and empiyemas (A clinical analysis of 40 cases). Med Bul Ata University 18:465-476,1986, The Is. Med. Int. Con. Cairo, Abstract Book 1987, pp 23.
  37. Aydin IH: Experimental microvenous aneurysms in rats. A new model for microsurgical pratice. T Arch ORL 27:207-209, 1989.
  38. Aydin IH, Ural T, Ak HE, Sirin S, Aydin O, Gezen F, Ustaoglu M: Traumatic glossopharyngeal neuralgia. J Agean Neurol Science 2:38-39, 1987.
  39. Aydin Y, Ceviz A, Aydin IH, Yolas C, Ak HE: Intradural Lumbar disc hernia.Report of two cases. Med Bul Ist University 20:115-120, 1987.
  40. Kocaman I, Yilikoglu Y, Parlak O, Deger O, Aydin IH, Onder A: Copper and zinc levels of serum and CSF in epileptic cases using versus not using antiepileptics. Med Bul Ata University 19:55-60, 1987.
  41. Aydin IH, Aydin Y, Akdemir D, Ak HE, Iyigun I, Yilikoglu Y: Chronic Subdural Haemotomas. Zent Bl Neurochir 48:308-311, 1987.
  42. Aydin IH: The prognosis in severe head injuries.8th EANS Congress,Barcelona,Spain Abstract Book 1987, pp 78, J Agean Neurol Science 4:20-23, 1987.
  43. Aydin IH, Tahmazoglu I, Kadioglu HH, Gezen F: Primary meningeal melanostoma. BGV 1:65-68, 1988.
  44. Aydin IH, Yilikoglu Y, Iyigun I, OnderA, Narin M: Fibromuscular dysplasia of arteria carotis interna. Med Bul Ata University 20:7-11, 1988
  45. Yilikoglu Y, Iyigun I, Kilic Z, Parlak O, Aydin IH: Opsoclonus in two cases.Med Bul Ata University 20:521-525, 1988.
  46. Aydin IH, Kadioglu HH, Kayaoglu CR, Onder A, Gezen F: The prognosis in severe head injuries in children. Med Bul Ata University 20:367-366, 1988:
  47. Aydin IH, Aladag MA, Kadioglu HH, Onder A: Clinical analysis of cerebral abscesses. Zent bl Neurochir 49:210-219, 1988
  48. Aydin IH: A new technique for a better exposure of the posterior wall of the end-to-side microvascular anastomosis. Technical Note. Zent bl Neurochir 49:324-325, 1988
  49. Alkan K, Akin ON, Demircan N, Aydin IH, Tokyay M, Colak A: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the point of view G.M.M.A. Neurosurgery. Turkish Maritime Med Bul 17:17-22, 1988.
  50. Onder A, Ak HE, Kadioglu HH, Takci E, Aydin IH: The importance of Cloward operations in cervical injuries. Med Bul Ata University 20:703-718, 1988.
  51. Aydin IH, Kadioglu HH, Onder A, Kayaoglu CR, Tahmazoglu I: The importance of craniography in head injuries. J Agean Neurol Science 7:(3-4) 100-104, 1990.
  52. Aydin IH, Onder A, Kadioglu HH: Giant intracranial aneurysms in children.Abstract. Child`s Nerv Syst 6:292, 1990.
  53. Aydin IH, Ak HE, Takci E: Vertebral hydatid cysts.XXIII.National Psychiatry and Neurological Science Congress Book. Onur Ofset, Istanbul. 1990, pp. 712-714.
  54. Onder A, Aydin IH, Caglar C, Kadioglu HH:The effective factors on mortality in cranio-cerebral traumas. Med Bul Ata University 22:359-375, 1990.
  55. Yolas C, Onder A, Aydin IH: Disseminated intravascular coagulation and cranial traumas. Med Bul Ata University 22:471-480, 1990.
  56. Onder A, Kadioglu HH, Kayaoglu CR, Aydin IH: Extradural hematomas (Clinical Analysis of 179 Cases). Med Bul Ata University 21:567-578, 1989.
  57. Aydin IH, Takci E, Onder A: Growing skull fractures. Med Bul Ata University 22:508-520, 1990.
  58. Onder A, Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH, Kayaoglu CR: Orbital Hydatid Cyst.Med Bul Ata University 22:969-974, 1990.
  59. Onder A, Kayaoglu CR, Kadioglu HH, Takci E, Aydin IH: Femoral nerve damage during tuberculoid peritoneal cyst excision. (Case Report). Med Bul Ata University 23:73-76, 1991.
  60. Kadioglu HH, Onder A, Aydin IH: Bilateral extradural hematomas. Med Bul Ata University 23:121-124, 1991.
  61. Kadioglu HH, Onder A, Aydin IH, Tuzun Y, Takci E: Maxillo-Facial Traumas. Mediterrian Maxcillofacial Surgery Congress Athen 1991, Abstract Book., Med Bul Ata Universitry 23:125-133, 1991.
  62. Onder A, Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH: Craniocerebral Gunshot Wounds. Med Bul Ata University 23:201-210, 1991.
  63. Kadioglu HH, Onder A, Aydin IH: Risk of menengitis following acute traumatic cerebrospinal fluid fistula. Med Bul Ata University 23:77-82, 1991.
  64. Kadioglu HH, Onder A, Takci E, Kayaoglu CR, Ozkan U, Aydin IH: Akut Subdural ve Ekstradural Hematomlarda Prognoz. Med Bul Ata University 23:325-334, 1991.
  65. Aydin IH, Onder A: The effect of very early cisternal irrigation on basilar artery spasm after SAH in the rat model. Acta Neurochirur 113:69-73, 1991.
  66. Kadioglu HH, Onder A, Kayaoglu CR, Takci E, Aydin IH: Akut Subdural Hematomlar (Klinik Analiz). Med Bul Ata University 23:343-354, 1991.
  67. Onder A, Kayaoglu CR, Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH: Sicanlarda Deneysel Subaraknoid Kanama Sonrasi Bazilar Arter Duvarinda Meydana Gelen Ultrastrukturel Degisiklikler. Norol Bil Der 9(3):30-36, 1992.
  68. Takci E, Onder A, Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH: Deneysel Intraserebral Hematomlarda Urokinazin Etkisi. Hipokrat 3:38-42, 1992.
  69. Parlak O, Onder A, Haciyakupoglu S, Okur A, Aydin IH: Noral tup defektlerinin intrauterin Tesbiti. (Multidisipliner Calisma) Hipokrat 3:34-38, 1992.
  70. Aydin IH, Onder A, Kadioglu HH, Tahmazoglu I, Kayaoglu CR: Postoperative Anosmia After Removal of Pituitary Adenomas Using the Pterional aproach. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 119: 101-103, 1992.
  71. Onder A, Takci E, Kadioglu H.H, Tahmazoglu I, Iyigun I, Aydin I.H: The role of combined therapy in supratentorial astrocytomas. International Symposium on Advanced in Noro-oncology. Sanremo (Italy), Abstract Book p: 91, 1990, Med Bul Ata University 24:823-826, 1992.
  72. Onder A, Kadioglu HH, Takci E, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y, Gundogdu C, Aydin IH: Intrameduller Epidermoid Kist (Olgu Bildirisi). Turk Norosirurji Dergisi 3:41-44, 1993.
  73. Onder A, Kadioglu HH, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y, Takci E, Gundogdu C, Aydin IH: Kalvarial Soliter Plazmositoma (Olgu Bildirisi). Turk Norosirurji Dergisi, 3:100-103, 1993.
  74. Aydin IH, Onder A, Kadioglu HH: Giant Intracranial Aneurysms in Children and Adolescents. Zentralbl Neurochir 54:35-38, 1993.
  75. Aydin IH, Onder A, Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y: Heubner's Artery Variation in Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms. Acta Neurochirur 127:17-20, 1994.
  76. Aydin IH, Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y: The Effect of Urokinase on Experimental Intracerebral Haematomas. Zentralbl Neurochir 55:29-34, 1994.
  77. Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH: Fibrinolytic Activity in Experimental Intracerebral Hematoma. Zentralbl Neurochir 55:35-41, 1994.
  78. Kadioglu HH, Ozturk M, Aydin IH: Extradural Hematoma Complicating Arachnoid Cyst. Case Report. Zentralbl Neurochir 55:172-174, 1994.
  79. Kadioglu HH, Reis A, Ciftcioglu MA, Aydin NE, Aydin IH: Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma: Case Report. T Neurosurg 4:31-35, 1994.
  80. Aydin IH, Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y: Pitfalls in the pterional approach to the parasellar area (Review). Minim. Invas. Neurosurg 38: 146-153, 1995.
  81. Kadioglu HH, Arik M, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y, Takci E, Aydin IH: Neurological and psychic changes before and after cranioplasty. MJAU, 27:38-41, 1995.
  82. Kadioglu H, Aydin MD, Takci E, Aydin IH: Predictive and guiding importance of craniofacial injuries in upper cervical traumas . MJAU, 27:12-15, 1995.
  83. Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y, Kadioglu HH, Takci E, Aydin MD, Aydin IH: Postoperatif lomber psodomeningosel (Olgu Sunumu). MJAU, 27:30-32, 1995.
  84. Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Kadioglu HH, Takci E, Ozturk M, Aydin IH: Hydatid cyst of the posterior fossa in an aged patient (Case Report). MJAU, 27:25-27, 1995.
  85. Kadioglu HH, Gundogdu C, Takci E, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y, Aydin MD, Aydin IH: Tavsanlarda uzun sureli fokal serebral iskemi uzerine NSAI ve SAI etkisi. (Deneysel Calisma) MJAU, 27:20-24, 1995.
  86. Kadioglu HH, Aydin MD, Kadioglu BG, Aydin IH: Hydrancephaly: Is a result of clomifene induced ovulation. Report of two cases. MJAU 27:100-103, 1995.
  87. Kadioglu HH, Tuzun Y, Aydin IH: Petroklival Yerlesimli Primer Multipl Hidatik Kist (Olgu Sunumu). MJAU 27:137-140, 1995.
  88. Kadioglu HH, Tuzun Y, Ciftcioglu MA, Aydin MD, Aydin IH: Intrakranial Hidatik Kistler. Klinik Analiz. MJAU 27:110-113, 1995.
  89. Kayaoglu CR, Sari I, Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Tuzun Y, Aydin IH: Cerebral protective effect of mild whole body hypothermia after ischemic stress in guinea pig hippocampus. T J Med Res 13:43-46, 1995.
  90. Kadioglu HH, Gundogdu C, Deniz O, Takci E, Tuzun Y, Aydin IH: Optochiasmatic Tuberculoma. Case Report and Review. Zentralbl Neuochir 57: 30-36, 1996.
  91. Aydin IH, Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y: The Variations of Lenticulositriate Arteries in Middle cerebral Artery Aneurysms. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 138: 555-559 1996.
  92. Aydin IH, Kadioglu HH, Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Takci E, Ozturk M: Postoperative Anosmia After Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms Surgery Using the Pterional Approach. Minim. Invas. Neurosurg 39: 71-73, 1996.
  93. Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH: A primary multiple hydatid cyst localizing in petroclival area. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 1996.
  94. Aydin IH, Kadioglu HH, Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Takci E: The Variations of Sylvian Veins and Cisterns in Anterior Circulation Aneurysms. Acta Neurochirur (Wien), 138:1380-1385, 1996.
  95. Kadioglu HH, Barlas E, Kayaoglu CR, Tuzun Y, Aydin IH: The effect of Nimodipine on the vascular injury after temporary clipping in a rabbit model. MJAU 28:331-336, 1996.
  96. Aydin I H, Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Barlas E: Vascular Variations Associated with Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms. (Intraoperative study). Minim Invas Neurosurg 40:17-21, 1997.
  97. Aydin IH, Tuzun Y, Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Kayaoglu CR, Barlas E: The Anatomical Variations of Sylvian Veins and Cisterns (An Operative Study). Minim Invas Neurosurg 40: 68-73, 1997 (COVER ARTICLE).
  98. Aydin IH: SSS?nin Viral Enfeksiyonlari. Temel Norosirurji. Turk Norosirurji Dernegi Yayini, Ankara, 1997.
  99. Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Takci E, Suma S, Aydin IH: Skalp?in Dev Kavernoz Hemanjiomu. MJAU 29:481-484, 1997.
  100. Kadioglu HH, Deniz O, Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Aydin IH: Cerebellar Abscess. J. Clin. Neuroscience 4(4):447-450, 1997.
  101. Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Takci E, Gundogdu C, Aydin IH: Denervation Supersensitivity and Ultrastructural Changes on the Basilar Artery Wall doe to Experimental Subarachnoidal Hemorrhage and 6-Hydroxyddopamine. Turk Neurosurgery Dergisi 7: 76-81, 1997.
  102. Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Takci E, Arik M, Polat P, Aydin IH: Servikal Pott: Olgu Sunumu. Dusunen Adam; 11 (1):62-64, 1998.
  103. Tüzün Y, Kayaoðlu ÇR, Takçý E, Polat P, Aydýn IH: Intracranial Giant Hydatid Cysts: Report of Four Pediatric Cases. MJAU 30:35-38, 1998.
  104. Kadioglu HH, Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Aydin IH: Primary Multiple Hydatid Cysts Localizing in the Petroclival Area. J Clin Neurosci.5(4):447-450, 1998.
  105. Tuzun Y, Kayaoglu CR, Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Suma S, Ozturk M, Aydin IH: Giant Cavernous Hemangioma of the Scalp. Zentralbl Neurochir 59: 274-277, 1998.
  106. Kadioglu HH, Ozturk M, Aydin IH: Prognosis in Traumatic Deep Intracerebral Haemotamas. MJAU 30:95-98, 1998.
  107. Aydin IH: Neurosurgical Department of Ataturk University Medical School. Turkish Neurosurgical Bulettin. 2: 1999.
  108. Kayaoğlu,ÇR.,Tüzün,Y.,Boða,Z.,Erdoðan,F., Görgüner, M., Aydýn, ÝH., Intramedullary spinal tuberculoma: a case report. Spine 25:2265-2268,(2000).
  109. Kayaoğlu, ÇR., Tüzün, Y., Takçý, E., Boða, Z., Aydýn, ÝH: Brain Abscesses.Clinical Analysis. Medical Bulettin of Turkey's Clinics. 20:132-137,(2000).
  110. Takci E, Kadioglu HH, Bahceci H, Aydin IH: The Use of Dehydrated Human Dura Mater Grafts for the Repair of the Experimental cranial Dural Defects: Histopathological Evaluations. Turkish Neurosurgery 11: 178-184, 2001.
  111. Kadioglu HH, Takci E, Arik M, Gundogdu C, Aydin IH: Immune response to dehydrated human dura mater: evaluation in a rabbit model. Neurol India. Sep;50(3):256-61, 2002.
  112. Kadioglu HH, Takci E, Levent A, Arik M, Aydin IH: Measurements of the lumbar pedicles in the Eastern Anatolian population. Surg Radiol Anat. 2003 May;25(2):120-6. Epub May 14, 2003.
  113. Tuzun Y, Kadioglu HH, Izci Y, Suma S, Keles M, Aydin IH: The clinical, radiological and surgical aspects of cerebral hydatid cysts in children. Pediatr Neurosurg. Jul-Aug;40(4):155-60, 2004.
  114. Malcok UA, Sengul G, Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH: Therapeutic effect of vitamin D3 in a rat diffuse axonal injury model. J Int Med Res. Jan-Feb;33(1):90-5, 2005.
  115. Sengul G, Tuzun Y, Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH: Complete Intraventricular Unisystem Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Migration. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 41:337-338, 2005.
  116. Sengul G, Tuzun Y, Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH: Acute Interhemispheric Subdural Hematoma due to Hemodialysis: Case Report. Surgical Neurology 64,S2:113-S2:114, 2005.
  117. Aydın IH, Sengül G. Orta serebral arter anevrizmaları. Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2006; 2: 61-65.
  118. Kadıoğlu HH, Aydın İH. Yetişkinlerde spontan intraserebral kanama. Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2006; 2: 104-109.
  119. Tuzun Y, Aydın IH. Yenidoğan ve çocukluk çağında vasküler olaylar ve intraserebral kanamalar. Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2006; 2: 100-114.
  120. Sengül G, Kadıoglu HH, Aydın İH. Arteriyel diseksiyon sendromları. Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2006; 2: 163-165.
  121. Kadıoğlu HH, Şengül G, Aydın İH. Karotis cisim tümörleri. Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2006; 2:166-168.
  122. Cetin B, Sengul G, Tuzun Y, Gundogdu C, Kadioglu HH, Aydin IH. Suitability of collagen matrix as a dural graft in the repair of experimental posterior fossa dura mater defects. Turkish Neurosurgery 2006; 16:9-13.
  123. Sengun G, Tuzun Y, Aydin IH. Emergent Neurosurgical Approach in Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Traumas. Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2007; 3(11):55-59.
  124. Kayaoglu CR, Sengul G, Aydin IH; Multiple Schwannomas of Cauda Equina in the Absence of von Recklinghausen's Disease. Saudi Med J, 2007, 28:(12)1907-1909.
  125. Aydin IH, Sengul G, Kayaoglu CR; Pterional Approach in the Brain Tumor Surgery.Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2007; 3(51):26-30.

  1. Aydin IH: Pitfalls in the Pterional Approach to the Parasellar Area. International Skull Base Symposium. 3-8July 1994, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  2. Aydin IH: Fire Line in Skull Base Surgery. (General Discussion), International Skull Base Symposium. 3-8 July 1994, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  3. Aydin IH: Heubner's artery and ACoA Aneurysms. Annual Meeting of Polish Neurosurgical Society Scientific Meeting . September, 1995, Wroclaw, Polonia
  4. Aydin IH: Pitfalls in the Pterional Approach. Annual Meeting of Polish Neurosurgical Society Scientific Meeting . September, 1995, Wroclaw, Polonia
  5. Aydin IH: Neurosurgical Phylosophy. Annual Meeting of Polish Neurosurgical Society Scientific Meeting . September, 1995, Wroclaw, Polonia
  6. Aydin IH: Vascular Variations in Pterional Approach. International Skull Base Congress, Bombay, November 1999, INDIA
  7. Aydin IH: Pterional Approach to the Skull Base Lesions.International Skull Base Congress, Bombay, November 1999, INDIA
  8. Aydin IH: Sylvian Dissection. Video Lecture. International Skull Base Congress, Bombay, November 1999, INDIA
  9. Aydin IH: Earthquake and Neurosurgery. International Luncheon Lecture of Congressof Neurological Surgery. 23-28 September 2000, San Antonio. TX, USA
  10. Aydin IH: Minimally Invasive Tecniques in Pterional Aproach. Golden Jubilee of Neurological Society. Neurocon 2001. 15-18, December, 2001, Mumbai, India
  11. Aydin IH: Earthquake Management and Neurosurgeon. Golden Jubilee of Neurological Society. Neurocon 2001. 15-18, December, 2001, Mumbai, India
  12. Aydin IH: Microsurgical Anatomy of Anterior Circulating Aneurysms. Golden Jubilee of Neurological Society. Neurocon 2001. 15-18, December, 2001, Mumbai, India
  13. Aydin IH:Pterional Approach. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  14. Aydin IH:Pitfalls in the Skull Base Surgery. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  15. Aydin IH:Sylvian Dissection. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  16. Aydin IH:Vascular Variations of Sylvian Vein. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  17. Aydin IH:Anatomical Variations of Anterior Perforating Arteries. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  18. Aydin IH:Microsurgical Anatomy of Anterior Circulating Aneurysms. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  19. Aydin IH:Basic Fundamentalis of Microneurosurgery. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  20. Aydin IH:Surgery of Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms (Video Lecture). Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  21. Aydin IH:Neurosurgical Reflections. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  22. Aydin IH:The Managemant of Training in Neurosurgery. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  23. Aydin IH:Spontan Intracerebral Hematomas. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  24. Aydin IH:Giant Aneurysm Surgery. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  25. Aydin IH:Video Lecture of Giant Aneurysm Surgery. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  26. Aydin IH:Timing of Aneurysm Surgery. Thawra Modern General Hospital, 18-30 October, 2002, Sana'a, Yemen Republic
  27. Aydin IH:Surgical Politics in Pterional Approach. NEURO 2004,KARACHI, 25-28 November 2004, Karachi, Pakistan
  28. Aydin IH:Aneurysm and Surgery. NEURO 2004,KARACHI, 25-28 November 2004, Karachi, Pakistan
  29. Aydin IH:Microsurgical Anatomy of Aneurysms. NEURO 2004,KARACHI, 25-28 November 2004, Karachi, Pakistan
  30. Aydin IH:Science, Technology and Neurosurgery. NEURO 2004,KARACHI, 25-28 November 2004, Karachi, Pakistan
  31. Aydin IH:Harvey Cushing Lecture. NEURO 2004,KARACHI, 25-28 November 2004, Karachi, Pakistan
  1. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, SUZ-I DILARA, 1991, Erzurum, TURKEY
  2. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, ASK, 2000, Istanbul, TURKEY
  3. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, VUSLAT, Aktif Publications, 2002, Istanbul, TURKEY
  4. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Nefes, Eser Publications, 2010, Erzurum, TURKEY
  5. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Hicran, Öteki Adam Publications, 2013, Istanbul, TURKEY
  6. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Ya Hayy!, Ötüken Publications, 2014, Istanbul, TURKEY
  7. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Rubâiyyât-ı Bircis, Girdap Publications, 2018, Istanbul, TURKEY
  1. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Rabbim Beni Doktorlardan Koru!, Girdap Publications, 2013, Istanbul, TURKEY
  2. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Ah Bu Doktorlar!, Girdap Publications, 2015, Istanbul, TURKEY
  3. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Can Hikmet DEĞIRMENCI, Girdap Publications, Öfke Kontrolü ve Motivasyon, 2016, Istanbul, TURKEY
  4. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Beynin Şifresi, Girdap Publications, 2016, Istanbul, TURKEY
  5. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Ah Bu Hastalar!, Girdap Publications, 2017, Istanbul, TURKEY
  6. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Bir Beyin Cerrahının Anıları, Girdap Publications, 2017, Istanbul, TURKEY
  7. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Beyin Sizsiniz, Girdap Publications, 2018, Istanbul, TURKEY
  8. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Aforizmalar, Girdap Publications, 2018, Istanbul, TURKEY
  9. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Ah Bu İnsanlar, Girdap Publications, 2018, Istanbul, TURKEY
  10. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Can Hikmet DEĞIRMENCI, Yapay Zeka, Girdap Publications, 2018, Istanbul, TURKEY
  11. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Levent AĞAOĞLU, Düşünce Sizsiniz, Girdap Publications, 2018, Istanbul, TURKEY
  12. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Can Hikmet DEĞIRMENCI, Beyin Tanrısal Bir Parçacık, Girdap Publications, 2019, Istanbul, TURKEY
  13. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Güfteden Besteye, Girdap Publications, 2020, Istanbul, TURKEY
  14. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Dünya Beyin Ağı (wbw), Girdap Publications, 2020, Istanbul, TURKEY
  15. Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Beyin Sizsiniz 2, Girdap Publications, 2020, Istanbul, TURKEY

  1. Lyricist(Guftekar): Prof.Dr.Ismail Hakki AYDIN
    Composer (Bestekar): Dr.Yilmaz KARAKOYUNLU, Melodic Concept (Makam): Acemkurdi, 2002, Izmir, TURKEY.
  2. Lyricist(Guftekar): Prof.Dr.Ismail Hakki AYDIN
    Composer (Bestekar): Dr.Yilmaz KARAKOYUNLU, Melodic Concept (Makam): Ferahfeza, 2004, Izmir, TURKEY.
  3. Lyricist (Guftekar): Prof.Dr.Ismail Hakki AYDIN
    Composer (Bestekar): Dr.Yilmaz KARAKOYUNLU, Melodic Concept (Makam): Huseyni, 2005, Izmir, TURKEY.
Please e-mail to bircis@gmail.com for full CV.