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Reinforced concrete system is the most widely applied structural system in Turkey, where slabs are considered the primary structural member which play an essential role in diaphragm actions. The concrete slab type directly affects the height of the building, the ductility level, the design calculations, and the cost of construction. In earthquake prone countries (i.e. Turkey), the type of slab affects the ductility levels of structure hence, it affects the base shear force and the cost as well. It is worth pointing out that the new 2018 Building Earthquake Code of Turkey provides more precise provisions concerning the selection of slab systems which is no more limited to the technical calculations only. One important update of the new national regulations is that for flat slab reinforced concrete buildings, the implementation of shear wall structural members becomes a mandatory. This work provides a detailed interpretation of the new national regulations concerning the selection of slab type, the work also briefly discusses different types of reinforced concrete slabs and the parameters which influence the selection process of the slab type.
Reinforced concrete, Slabs,