Semra Arslan Selçuk
Today energy consumption, which is seen as one of the essential factors of environmental problems, has become one of the most important issues of all countries. Various strategies are determined and policies are carried out at both international and national level to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, which have a large share in the increase of excessive resource use and many environmental problems. It is possible to claim that, as a building group of 90,000 and consuming excessive energy in our country, efforts to increase sustainability and reduce energy consumption in mosques are very few compared to other building types. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to examine the researches on energy performance in mosque buildings and to determine the current situation in our country. After conducting a systematic literature review, it is seen that mosques have an important potential in energy saving, but studies on this subject are insufficient. In this context, there is a need for research to determine the factors that cause excessive energy consumption in mosques, to make improvements in existing mosques, and to make decisions regarding energy efficiency in the design phase of new mosques.
Thermal Performance,