Operational Modal Analysis of a Historical Wooden Building

Operational Modal Analysis of a Historical Wooden Building

Phenomenological Aspects of Civil Engineering (PACE) - an International Congress
Volume 1 - Issue 1 - PACE-2021

Ahmet Can ALTUNIŞIK Murat GÜNAYDIN Fatih Yesevi OKUR Ali Fuat GENÇ


Historical structures are important cultural assets that should be protected. Much attention and expertise are required to preserve these structures. One of the crucial ways of this protection is increasing the knowledge level of the structure. The aim of this study is to examine the pre-restored state of a historical wooden building placed in Çorum province in Turkey. In the study, Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) technique was used for determining the dynamic characteristics which are natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios of the building experimentally. The experimental dynamic characteristics are extracted by Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFDD) method. These initial data will be accepted as a reference for the post-restoration state of the building and the success rate of the restoration can be evaluated.


Historical structures; Wooden building; Operational modal analysis; Dynamic characteristics