mahsa hojatjalaly
The distribution of springs and their flow rate are affected by different parameters. These parameters include tectonics, climate, geology, distance from the drainage network, geomorphology, etc. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of structural, lithological and drainage network on two indicators related to springs, including the number and annual discharge in the Gheshlagh catchment of Sanandaj. In order to achieve the research objectives, data related to the discharge of basin springs, geological formations and fault location, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and basin drainage network have been prepared and examined in relation to the two mentioned parameters. The results confirm that there is a close relationship between the number of springs and the distance from the fault with a correlation coefficient of 0.97. Also, the correlation between the number of springs and the distance from the river is significant and is about 0.66. But there is no significant relationship between these two parameters with the flow rate of springs. The discharge variable has a significant relationship with the genus of the formation, so that the formations that are composed of shale and another type of formation, such as turf and micritic lime have more discharge and the minimum discharge is related to Quaternary alluvial formations.
Spring; Discharge; Fault; River; Gheshlagh