Review on Flaws in Concrete and its Structural Performance

Review on Flaws in Concrete and its Structural Performance

Phenomenological Aspects of Civil Engineering (PACE) - an International Congress
Volume 1 - Issue 1 - PACE-2021

Waleed Ahmad Sana Gul Majid Ali


This paper reviews the flaws in concrete and its structural performance under different conditions. Still, there is a need to study the flaws in concrete and provide a sustainable solution to avoid or at least reduce the failures as much as possible. Different researches including both old and the recent were studied to come to a point where flaws in concrete are completely known and its structural performance under different situations is specified. There are some common problems in concrete i.e. loss of density and cracking. These problems are interlinked with each other. As the concrete gets dried, density of concrete decreases because of the increased void spaces with the removal of water from the concrete with time. The loss of density initiates the cracking from the core. Other common problems like crazing, curling, scaling and spalling, blisters, etc. are the results of the improper mix proportions and the inefficient handling and placing. From the literature study, it is concluded that the denser concrete with high strength and a smaller number of voids and porosity show better structural performance as compared to the concrete with greater number of voids. The study on the micro-structure of the concrete is necessary to investigate the reaction of concrete with by-products when placed. This study determines the future directions for exploring the techniques to cater the flaws in concrete.


Concrete, compressive & tensile strengths, density, early-age cracking of concrete, mechanical properties, sustainable concrete.