Emre Mulumulu
Orhan Polat
Çağlar Özer
Reservoir modellings are important to define seismic hazard assessment associated with production phases and to better understand the future location of re-injection/production wells in small-scale geothermal areas. The reservoir seismology is an innovative technique to enlighten a multi-dimensional model of a geothermal reservoir using the Passive Seismology Tomography (PST) method. The PST includes Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) and Local Earthquake Tomography (LET) methods. Each method requires some principal attention to bring the high-resolution image of underground models down to near-sub surface structures. Fluid movements towards the reservoir in geothermal areas cause an artificially induced earthquake. The flow direction along the fractures can be detected by monitoring the micro-earthquakes caused by micro-fractures due to the pressure difference that will occur during the re-injection process of the cold water formed after the production process. Since the oldest and the most productive geothermal fields are located in the Aegean region of Turkey, we have introduced the significance of the PST technique and its application to geothermal areas and described it with the used method with data characteristic, data processing and tomography inversion scheme as a whole to characterize the geothermal reservoir.
Reservoir Seismology; Passive Seismology Tomography; Ambient Noise Tomography; Local Earthquake Tomography; Reservoir Modelling