Optimal Design of Special truss Moment Frame Using Genetic ‎Algorithm ‎with MIDA Analysis

Optimal Design of Special truss Moment Frame Using Genetic ‎Algorithm ‎with MIDA Analysis

Phenomenological Aspects of Civil Engineering (PACE) - an International Congress
Volume 1 - Issue 1 - PACE-2021

Mohaddese Sadeghpour VahidReza kalatjari Hossein Pahlavan


Optimization of structures in civil engineering means designing ‎structures in such a way that both technical issues are observed and ‎they have the lowest execution cost. Today, due to the limitations of ‎urban lands and the type of use of some structures, special truss ‎momnet frames(STMF) have become more important due to its use in large ‎openings‏.‏‎ In this paper, the optimization of special truss moment frame ‎by genetic algorithm under modal incremental ‎dynamic analysis(MIDA) has ‎been considered. For this purpose, the optimal design of two three-‎story frames with one and two openings with the aim of simultaneously ‎optimizing the weight of the structure and its seismic performance is ‎presented. Problem design restrictions are in accordance with AISC341-‎‎16‎‏.‏‎ The optimization code is written in MATLAB software environment and ‎OPENSEES software is used for structural analysis. The results show the ‎high capability of this method for optimal seismic design of this type ‎of structures‏.‏


Optimization; Special ‎truss moment frame; Genetic algorithm; ‎Seismic optimal design; ‎Modal incremental ‎dynamic analysis