Buckling of cylindrical shells with stepwise wall thickness subjected to combined loading

Buckling of cylindrical shells with stepwise wall thickness subjected to combined loading

Phenomenological Aspects of Civil Engineering (PACE) - an International Congress
Volume 1 - Issue 1 - PACE-2021

Neda Fazlalipour Hossein Showkati Saeed Eyvazinejad Firouzsalari


An experimental, numerical, and theoretical study was conducted to investigate the buckling behaviour of cylindrical shells with stepwise wall thickness when subjected to a combination of axial compression preloading and external pressure. The effect of axial pre-compression on the buckling load, buckling mode of the cylindrical shell were evaluated. Additionally, numerical modelling was employed to verify the experimental results and relationships available in the design codes for predicting the buckling load of cylindrical shells with a uniform wall thickness were modified to for cylindrical shells with stepwise wall thickness. Comparable predictions between the modified analytical and numerical models and the experiment were observed.


Cylindrical shell, Tank, Stepwise wall thickness, Buckling, Combined loading.