Soil densification effect on the seismic response of structures taking into consideration soil-structure interaction

Soil densification effect on the seismic response of structures taking into consideration soil-structure interaction

Phenomenological Aspects of Civil Engineering (PACE) - an International Congress
Volume 1 - Issue 1 - PACE-2021

Radhwane Boulkhiout Salah Messast


In this work, the effect of improving soil characteristics by compaction techniques on the dynamic response of foundations and structures, taking into account the effect of soil-structure interaction was determined. The dynamic response of foundations is presented by the impedances functions, which are determined numerically by the CONAN program, based on the cone method. In addition, the response of the structure will be presented according to the lateral displacement in each level of it. This motion vector is a function of the forces in each level; for this, the equivalent static method was applied, which allows to calculate the seismic force at the base and the distribution of it on the height of the structure. The results obtained show the efficiency of soil densification on the seismic response of MDOF frames.


compaction techniques; soil-structure interaction; impedances functions; CONAN; cone method; lateral displacement; equivalent static method.