Yuan Ma
Zhihong Wang
Yang Zhang
It is an important method for theoretical research of intelligent compaction technology to establish and analyze the numerical simulation model of subgrade intelligent compaction. At present, the numerical simulation model of intelligent compaction for subgrade can not realize the dynamic change of subgrade parameters with the process of intelligent compaction. In order to realize the dynamic change of parameters in the process of intelligent compaction numerical simulation of subgrade, firstly, the relationships between the "field" - compaction degree and the internal friction Angle and cohesion of soil were obtained through the direct shear test in the laboratory. Secondly, the finite element of ABAQUS was redeveloped, and the dynamic change of subgrade parameters in the intelligent compaction process was realized by writing UMAT subroutine. Furthermore, the finite element model after redevelopment is compared with the model without redevelopment to verify the accuracy of finite element redevelopment. Finally, through the finite element secondary development of the numerical simulation model, a numerical simulation control test was designed to analyze the influence of different intelligent roller parameters on the final compaction degree. The conclusions obtained in this paper are as follows : (1) After the secondary development of ABAQUS finite element numerical simulation software, the final compaction degree is stable between 0.95 and 0.96, which can significantly improve the calculation accuracy of subgrade intelligent compaction process; (2) The influence of the input parameters of the intelligent compactor on the final compaction degree of the roadbed is ranked as follows: roller's weight > excitation frequency > excitation force amplitude.
Intelligent compaction of subgrade, Finite element numerical simulation, Parameter dynamic change, Secondary development, Controlled trials.