Christopher Ehizemhen
Emmanuel Ufuah
Engr Agashua Lucia O
Copper and zinc concentrations in water- physiques in five sites at Ikpoba River, Nigeria was ascertained in both arid and wet season by obvious spectrophotometric technique and modelled for contagion and health risks scrutiny. Result shown that copper means for all sites ranges from 1.06 ± 2.09 and 1.34 ± 3.27 in dry and wet seasons respectively, while zinc for wet season ranged from 2.13 ± 2.9 and 2.06 ± 3.01 throughout dry season. Box and whisker plots display a variable’s locality, expanse at a glance as well as give specific clue about data's symmetry as well as skewness. All water bodies sites in dry season were slightly contagion in dry season and dry period order are; site 5 < site 2 < site 3 < site 1 < site 4. Wet season investigated followed the same pattern, for all water bodies contagion values are also slightly contagion with locations order as site 3 > site 2 > site 4 > site 1 > site 5. This signifies that throughout the year the water physiques are too enhanced, thus is at high risks of eutrophication. The spatial distribution map showed Copper /Zinc ratio dispersion of 14.20:0.16, also C:Z was highest at 14.20@0.00, followed by 13.04@0.05 with low impact at 5.08@0.16 The outcomes from the assessed non-carcinogenic hazard quotient and index via the scrutiny pathways on youngster and elderly revealed that children (4.961 & 3.394) mostly had high HI compared to adults (2.539 & 2.207) during wet and dry season respectively.
Copper; Zinc; Water-physiques; Spectrophometric; Southern-Nigeria.