Concrete has been used in the construction industry for many years as a building material. Concrete and reinforced concrete, which have a wide range of usage areas from bridges to highways, from buildings to utility poles, from sewer lines to treatment and production facilities, also have a significant economic importance. In addition to its many advantages, concrete, which is a brittle building material, needs the use of reinforced concrete steel that supports its ductility feature. Reinforced concrete; It is based on a good adherence relationship between concrete and reinforcement and is also under the influence of different abrasive environmental conditions, especially the loss of adherence and cross-section in reinforcement compared to concrete elements.
There are many academic and sectoral studies on the determination of the adherence relationship in reinforced concrete. In this compilation study, the results of many studies were brought together and information about the adhesion tests between reinforcement and concrete, which are widely used, are given. Since the pull-out test method using lolitop core samples required was used for the adherence values in the analyses, this test method was also preferred in the literature studies. However, the usability of the reinforcement pull-out test is very harmful, difficult and limited in determining the adherence value of existing structures. For this reason, since it is a very convenient method to use the push-out method on the reinforced core sample, determining the relationship between these two methods will make a great contribution to many studies on strengthening existing buildings.
Concrete, Reinforced concrete, Adherence strength, Push-out test, Pull-out test