Esra Mete Güneyisi
Serkan Etli
In this study, the seismic behavior of steel framed buildings under the effect of near-field with pulse (NF-P), near-field without pulse (NF-NP), and far-field (FF) ground motions was evaluated in a comparative manner. For this, 8 and 12 story steel moment-resisting frames (SMRFs) having four equal bays and identical story height were taken into account and then subjected to a series of NF-P, NF-NP and FF earthquake motions based on the nonlinear dynamic analysis. Each earthquake series included 10 different acceleration records. They were scaled to match the target design spectrum. Numerical modeling and analysis of the SMRFs were performed through Seismostruct software. The response quantities utilized in the comparisons of the case study SMRFs were the inter-story drift ratio, roof drift ratio, base shear coefficients, and time history of displacement in different story level. These responses were examined comparatively.
Earthquake; Modeling; Nonlinear analysis; Seismic behavior; Steel frame