Basis of A New Numerical Model of the Concrete/Steel Bond in Reinforced Concrete Structures

Basis of A New Numerical Model of the Concrete/Steel Bond in Reinforced Concrete Structures

Journal of Cement Based Composites (CEBACOM)
Volume 4 - Issue 2 - April 2032

Pierre Rossi


This paper presents the basis of a new modeling approach of the concrete/steel bond. This approach has for objective to consider the macrocrack propagation through the steel rebar and the sliding along this rebar due to concrete microcracking. Concerning the macrocracks propagation a probabilistic semi-explicit cracking model is presented. This model integrates damage and linear fracture mechanics theories. Concerning the non-linear behaviour along the rebar, a very simple deterministic damage model is presented. A simple layer of volume elements is used to model the bond zone. Numerically speaking, it is proposed to use an implicit algorithm with linear volume elements. This paper presents also the different procedures to determine the values of all the parameters involved in the proposed models.


Probabilistic Cracking Model, Concrete/Steel Bond, Macrocrack propagation, Reinforced concrete structures.