Mahfuz Pekgöz
Iyad Asri Ahmed
İlker Tekin
The compressive strength of concrete could be evaluated during and after construction because of a weakness in a reinforced concrete structural member appeared. Quality control of concrete in existing and new constructions can be evaluated by several methods. If the compressive strength did not comply with the design requirements, core samples from the low strength structural members are usually taken to evaluate the structural capability. In the construction sites, compressive strengths of columns and shear walls are the most important. Also, the preparing of quite simple reports for the quality control analyses of a construction is common especially in slab and beam analyses. Hence, in this paper, a new sightseeing assessment is recommended to this analysis. In this study, in-situ non-destructive and destructive investigations in newly constructed building slabs and beams were performed because of the weakness of concrete. With this scope, non-destructive and core sampling examinations were performed on slabs and beams according to the TS EN 13791. Building was constructed by using ready-mixed concrete with CEM I 42.5R and CEM II/B-S 42.5N type cement. As a result of this study, it is thought that the TS EN 13791 contains limited information for the evaluation of newly constructed building for concrete because of its varied ingredients. Compressive strength of concrete produced with granulated blast furnace slag like pozzolanic materials instead of cement needs more time to reach required strength if it is not designed for early strength.
Compressive strength, Granulated blast furnace slag, Schmidt hammer, Core strength, Newly constructed building