Christopher Ehizemhen
Emmanuel Ufuah
Lucia Omolayo Agashua
This research centers on microbial, anions and chemical scrutinizes of 25 Abuja water samples, Nigeria. Soluble ions, heavy metal, anions, etcetera were obtained and related with WHO criterion. The mean highest anions, cations and bacteria counts were recorded as 1796.879 (Electrical conductivity), and least mean of F- 1.28mg/l, whereas standard deviation highest values were 857.13 µS/cm (EC), and lowest value of 0.45 mg/s (F-). Usually, the matrix values ranges between -1 and +1. Cl- and Alkalinity displays high positive connection (0.85), with K plus Electrical conductivity (0.77). There is a negative correlation between HNO3 & Alkalinity, and F- & CO32- (-0.01). Four hydrochemical clusters were recognized, with noticeably partitioned water attribute. Series as well as time series scenarios divulges that TDS concentration varies from 1200 mg/l to 2100 mg/L, highest mean (1433.76) and SD (459.38). Results also confirm that, groundwater within the investigation zone is mostly hard to exceptionally hard, and faintly alkaline-fresh to briny in nature. From hydrochemistry illustration, the key groundwater categories are Ca, Na-Cl, Na-HCO3 and Mg-HCO3, which indicates that the groundwater within the investigated region are tolerably polluted with cations-anions, due to anthropogenic, ion exchange and mineral weathering.
Hierarchical Clusters; Microbial; Alkalinity; Correlation; Hydrochemistry.