Determining Optimum Parameters for Adhesion Properties of Ta-DLC Films Using Taguchi Experimental Desing

Determining Optimum Parameters for Adhesion Properties of Ta-DLC Films Using Taguchi Experimental Desing

Journal of Brilliant Engineering (BEN)
Volume 1 - Issue 1 - January 2020

Aysenur Keles Ozlem Baran Gelengul Urvasizoglu Mert Ataol Yasar Totik Umit Ertas İhsan Efeoğlu


DLC films have high biocompatibility. But due to low adhesion, the element must be doped. Therefore, in this study, the high biocompatibility Ta element was doped into DLC film and optimum parameters for the adhesion of Ta-DLC films were determined. The Taguchi experimental system was used to determine the optimum parameters. Ta target current, substrate bias voltage and duty cycle were selected as variable parameters. The deposition was performed with HiPIMS-CFUBMS system. Ta-DLC films were grown on Ti6Al4V substrates using Taguchi L9 34 orthogonal experimental system. The optimum deposition parameters for critical load of Ta-DLC films are 3A, -80V and %5 for Ta target current, substrate bias voltage and duty cycle, respectively.


Ta-DLC; Magnetron Sputtering; HiPIMS; Taguchi; Adhesion;