Comparative analysis of drilling performance of kymera and PDC bits in salt formation

Comparative analysis of drilling performance of kymera and PDC bits in salt formation

Journal of Brilliant Engineering (BEN)
Volume 1 - Issue 2 - April 2020

Olanrewaju Alaba Abdulraham Sikiru Ottan


The study compares the drilling performance of Kymera and PDC bits in salt formation using River and Delta State Continental Shelf of Nigeria as a case study. The measurement while drilling (MWD) and the logging while drilling (LWD) methods were used to measure the real time well drilling operation. well formation and drilling statistics. The data obtained from the Ogbaimbiri. Ossiomo. Utorogu and Okporhuftu wells have the penetration rate of 6.2 m/hr. 5.9 m/hr. 12.2 m/hr. 6.3 m/hr for Kymera bit and 4.2 m/hr. 3.4 m/hr. 6.8 m/hr. 3.9 m/hr for PDC bit respectively. The pearson correlation coefficient has a value of r = 0.897. n = 4. p<0.05 and r = 0.784. n = 4. p<0.05 for both kymera and PDC bits. The results established a strong and positive correlation between the penetration rate and distance drilled in each bit. It also shows that the higher the penetration rate the more the distance drilled by each bit. The study concluded that the Kymera bit was more efficient as it was able to penetrate the different formations with a lesser time and at a greater penetration rate.


Salt formation; Kymera bit; PDC bit; oil and gas reserve; penetration rate